By Kevin D Browne
Are you looking for the most profitable affiliate programs? Tired of second guessing other recommendations? Tired of second guessing yourself? Hey, we online have ALL BEEN THERE.
As most of us online ALSO KNOW, your search for those profit machines will certainly involve a trip over to Clickbank. ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day.
Clickbank now has over 110,000 affiliates working through them, selling the products that Clickbank offers to thousands of others.
If you go to Clickbank and head over to the Marketplace you will see nine (9) categories of products. They are: Business To Business, Health & Fitness, Home & Family, Computing & Interest, Money & Employment, Marketing & Ads, Fun & Entertainment, Sports & Recreation, and Society & Culture.
Under each of those categories are hundreds of products. And all of those products have specific POPULARITY and GRAVITY weights to them. These are simple (yet ultra important) measures of determining the most profitable affiliate programs.
Here's another one. If you want to see specifically how well one program is doing in terms of it being a rising star or a falling rock, go to Have with you the ID of the program you wish to do research on.
There you'll be able to see which programs are in up popularity trends, which ones have peaked, and which ones should be avoided because they are falling.
It's all great learning that you simply MUST KNOW if you really want to know which are the most profitable affiliate programs AT THE TIME. Because, don't forget, the most popular program today, even this hour, might not be later today, or next hour. That's life.
Hope this helps.
To read reviews on the most profitable affiliate programs for this former Madison Avenue Copywriter, visit These are the exact programs that have allowed me to finally realize the dream of working from home on the internet.